Akimat of Taldykorgan city


The State Institution “Akimat of Taldykorgan City” is a state body responsible for providing organizational, legal, informational-analytical, consultative, and material-technical support to the activities of the Akim (mayor) of the city.

The Akimat of the city was transformed by the decision of the Akim of the region in 2000 and is the legal successor of the institution “Apparatus of the Akim of Taldykorgan City.” The founder of the Akim’s apparatus is the state, represented by the Akim of the region. The body of state administration of the Akim’s apparatus, as well as the body exercising the functions of the subject of the right of state property concerning it, is the Akim of the region.

The Apparatus of the Akim is a legal entity in the organizational-legal form of a state institution, has a seal with its name in the state language, forms of the established sample, and a bank account in accordance with the legislation. The full name is the state institution “Apparatus of the Akim of Taldykorgan City,” in the state language

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