Karatal Historical and Local History Museum


Address: Karatal district, Ushtobe town, 7 “A” Konayev str.

Contact phone number:

Karatal historical and local history museum is based on innovative technologies and equipped with advanced equipment. The museum consists of 9 departments.

On the first floor there is an exposition about flora and fauna of Semirechye, as well as information about unique natural corners of the region: “Flora and fauna of Karatal district”, “Archaeology”, “Ethnography”.

On the second – there are halls devoted to the history of the region – from the Bronze Age to the present day: “Kazakh Khanate”, “History of Karatal district”, “Great Patriotic War”.

There are also expositions: “Writer-Kemel Tokayev” and “Pride of the district”.

Entrance ticket price:

Entrance is free.

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