On September 8-13, the 5th World Nomad Games took place in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. During the week within the framework of the 5th WEC there were competitions in 21 sports, daily cultural program in the Ethno-Aul “Nomadic Universe”. About 2800 participants from 89 countries took part in the 5th WEC.

The Games were attended by hundreds of thousands of people. Among them were residents of the city, as well as tourists from other regions of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.

More than 100 cultural events took place in the Ethno-Aul “ALLENNESS OF COACHES”, which was spread near the hippodrome “Kazanat”. All regions of the country held their daily concerts, craft fairs, exhibitions, aitys competitions. The presentation of the potential of the Zhetisu region was held on the following topics: traditions and customs of the region, achievements of the region, regional tourism, museum expositions.