About us
Our center is located in the Taldykorgan town, in the very heart of the Zhetysu region, which is renowned for its diverse and fascinating tourist attractions. Here, picturesque deserts, majestic canyons, and the snow-capped peaks of the Dzungarian Alatau coexist. The region has preserved ancient burial mounds, settlements of the Great Silk Road, unique museums and temples, as well as stunning mountain lakes and healing hot springs, making Zhetysu a truly special place.
Call for questions
+7 (7282) 41 50 65
+7 (7282) 41 82 15
+7 (7282) 41 87 15
Office location
Taldykorgan town, K.Zhalayiri Ave. 3/2
E-mail address
Information Gathering: We collect and provide detailed information about tourist attractions and events.
Tourism Promotion: We organize advertising, marketing services, and events to promote tourism.
Information Exchange: We share information about the region’s tourist, cultural, historical, and economic resources, as well as the best travel offers in Kazakhstan.
Support for Youth and Tourist Clubs: We help organize excursions and events for youth and tourist clubs.

We also collaborate with various governmental and commercial organizations, professional associations, publishers, media outlets, and international tourism organizations. Our goal is to ensure that every visitor has a rich and unforgettable experience in the Zhetysu region.

Караулова Дина Муратовна
Specialist of the Information Support Department

Бекешова Назым Макеновна
Head of the administrative department
Оспанова Айнұр Амантайқызы
Lawyer, State Procurement Officer of the Administrative Department

Information tour to Panfilov district
Большое спасибо VISIT ZHETYSU за 3 счастливых дня! Вы вновь показали образец проведения инфотуров. Каждый раз учусь чему-то новому у всех участников.

Олег Белов
Altyn-Emel jeep tour
VISIT ZHETYSU ұжымына үлкен алғыс білдіремін! Жоғарғы деңгейде ұйымдастырылған, естен кетпес өте керемет іс-шара балды!

Долаев Эльдар Талғатұлы
Автор цифрового контента
Information tour “Fishing tourism on Alakol Lake ”
VISIT ZHETYSU туристік ақпарат орталығының ұжымына көп рахмет, 3 күндік ақпараттық тур
жоғарғы деңгейде өтті! Барлықтарыңызбен танысқаныма қуаныштымын!

Дакс Каналбеков
Altyn-Emel jeep tour
VISIT ZHETYSU ұйымдастыру ТОП, әр кез келгенде әрбір қатысушыға деген құрметтерің ерекше.
Жұмыстарыңызға сәттілік!

Сымбат Рамазанов