
In ancient times there was an aul near the Kora River. On the rich vegetation pastures, the cattle grew fat. Nothing disturbed the people. But one day there was an earthquake of terrible force. Fear gripped the people. A woman was giving birth in one of the yurts. Rocks fell from the mountainside like rain. The screams of the mother and the newly born baby echoed through the gorge. Suddenly, a huge boulder came off the rock and rushed down towards the village, sweeping away everything in its path. It seemed that nothing could stop it. And then a miracle happened. The huge boulder stood like a dug-in right in front of the yurt where the woman in labor was, just a few centimeters away, as if protecting the infant from death. Since then this stone has been called Aulie tas (“holy stone”).

People come to the holy stone and make their innermost wishes. Some ask for wealth, others for happiness, others for health, childless women for a child.

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