Lake “Zhalanashkol”


Lake “Zhalanashkol”   is south of the Alakol lake. It located in a narrow part of the pass Dzun garian Gates, on the border with China. Endorheic lake has an oval shape, its length is 9 km and width is 6 km and depth of 5 m. Locals have believed that the water in lake “Zhalanashkol”  is dead, and in Alakol is alive. If we first take a dip in lake “Zhalanashkol”  and then in Alakol , we can heal all diseases. In the opinion of many people who have visited the lakes, including foreigners, the water in these lakes is truly therapeutic. Therapeutic mud also help people with pain in the joints, relieving allergies, psoriasis hea ling, cleansing and rejuvenating the skin.

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