Monument”Kadyrgali Zhalairi”



The monument to Kadyrgali Zhalairi, who can rightfully be considered the ancestor of written works in the authentic Kazakh language, was opened in December 2008 on the main street of Taldykorgan. The author of the monument is architect K. Baulykov.

Kadyrgali Zhalairi (1555-1607) was a Kazakh chronicler, politician who lived in the XVI century. As a historian, he left a very valuable historical work to the people. This is “Zhamiat — tavarikh” — “Collection of chronicles” — a historical work describing the events that took place in Kazakhstan and Central Asia in the XIII—XV centuries. It is written in a mixed Kazakh-Chagatai language with a wide use of folk proverbs and sayings used to this day in the Kazakh language. According to Shokan Ualikhanov, this work of Zhalairi is one of the important sources on the history of Kazakhstan, and in terms of completeness of information about the Kazakhs, it occupies one of the first places. Based on the factual material, Kadyrgali Zhalairi can rightfully be considered the ancestor of written works in the authentic Kazakh language. Kadyrgali Zhalairi left behind a valuable scientific work “Jamiat-tavarikh”. Which Shokan Ualikhanov defines as a rare historical work, a set of Kazakh folk historical legends of the XV—XVI. Zhalairi’s work is one of the important sources on the history of Kazakhstan, and in terms of completeness of information about the Kazakhs, it occupies one of the first places.

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