Museum of History of Sarkan District


Address: Sarkanskiy district, Cherkask village.

Contact phone number: +7 (72839) 2 90 41, +7 747 581 9232.

The first exposition of the museum was opened on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Culture of Kaz USSR from January 1, 1968, in the building where the headquarters of the Combat Council was located during the civil war. Currently, it has an exposition complex dedicated to the Cherkassy Defense. In 1978, a new building was built and the exposition was created.

In 2017, two buildings were overhauled and new expositions were designed. Currently, two expositions are functioning in two buildings: the history of Sarkanskiy district and separately – the history of Cherkassy Defense. The exposition of the Museum of Sarkanskiy rayon is presented in three halls: “History of the rayon before 1916”, “History of the rayon in the Soviet period”, “The rayon at the present stage”. The exposition complex “Cherkassy Defense”, located in the building of the former headquarters of the Combat Council, consists of four halls, the exhibits of which tell about the historical event and Heroes of that time.

Entrance ticket price:

For adults: without excursion – 250tg, with excursion – 300tg.

Excursion for a group of 1 to 10 people – 500tg.

For schoolchildren: with excursion – 200 tg, without excursion – 150 tg.

For preschoolers: with excursion – 150tg, without excursion – 100tg.

For students: with excursion – 250tg, without excursion – 150tg.

Free services are provided to veterans of World War II, disabled warriors of the Afghan war, disabled children and orphans.

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