The Katutau Mountains


The “Katutau” mountains are no less picturesque than the Aktau mountains and were formed as a result of the action of volcanoes. Lava after volcanic eruption solidified and formed a lot of fantastic in its appearance figures, rocks and caves of dark red color. There are also various in relief and color (yellow, red, purple, etc.) outcrops of rocks and variegated clays that give a unique appearance to the landscape of the mountains. Despite the lack of water sources, the Katutau mountains were also inhabited by people in ancient times, as evidenced by rock paintings in the form of argali, goats, deer and domestic animals. Among the rocks there is an oasis, where according to legends lived a group of wild (snow) people, there is a cave cut out in the rocks, on the floor of which there is a cross, apparently the shelter of a hermit – Christian. The cave could have been carved in the Middle Ages and belong to the ancient patriarchal shamanic cult of the tracts.

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