The memorial museum “Nurmold Aldabergenov”


The memorial museum “Nurmold Aldabergenov” is located in the Yeskelda district of the Zhetisu region in the village of Aldabergenova. The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the life and work of the twice Hero of Labor Nurmold Aldabergenov.

Today the museum is a branch of the M. Tynyshpaev Local History Museum of the Zhetisu region. The N.Aldabergenov Memorial Museum was established by decree of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR in 1986. And the museum building, formerly Nurmolda Aldabergenov’s house, was built back in 1958, he lived there with his family in 1959 — 1961.

During this period, the funds of the memorial museum collected 5267 exhibits of historical significance. The exposition of the museum halls presents exhibits telling about the life and work of Nurmoldy Aldabergenov, as well as the history of the collective farm.

The memorial museum works within the framework of the Madeni Mura program.

The exposition of the museum is popular science, designed in accordance with modern requirements.

At the entrance to the museum there are symbols of a sovereign country, an order of the Minister of Culture, museum passports and historical documents.

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